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Summer Learning

WEEK 4: Resilience and Career Exploration

MON:  Future Plans Handout

            Intro to 16 Career Clusters (Youtube video w/ graphic organizer notes: 16 Career Clusters by SRES Counseling)   


            Select 3 clusters to research tomorrow

TUES:  Deep dive into 3 careers clusters you selected

WED:   Inside Out 2 Movie @ Theater 

            ??? Resilience with School Based Behavioral Health Liason, Krisite Freeman

TH:   Matching Career Clusters – quick check for understanding

         Careers Logic Puzzles (group activity)

WEEK 3: Anger Management and Coping Skills

MON:  Coping Skills Jeopardy

            Sidewalk Chalk for Positive Thoughts

TUES:  Anger: All About My Anger, Levels of Anger, Identifying Triggers

             Sidewalk Chalk – What My Anger Looks Like

 WED:  Kahoot activity

             Cut & Paste activity: What to Do/What to Say When Others Are Angry

TH:    Youtube – Grounding Techniques for Kids and Bubble Bounce

          Create an Anger Plan – group activity

          Coping Skills Review / practice with ABC Around the Room

          Emotions UNO 

WEEK 2: Self-Care and Coping Skills

MON:  Circle of Control concept

            Scoot activity

TUES:  CoC sort activity

            Youtube video: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator              

             Bubble breathing

WED: Gratitude lesson with School Based Behavioral Health Liason Kristie Freeman

TH: Create a playlist for moods

WEEK 1: Digital Citizenship

MON: Digital Citizenship Webquest

           Digital Citizenship Jeopardy

TUES: Digital Footprints Samples & Reflection Sheet (T.H.I.N.K.)

            Clickview: Your Digital Footprint and Reducing Your DIgital Footprint

WED:  Digital Footprints Activity – What becomes part of your digital footprint?

           Truth Be Told activity by Common

            Kahoot Review: Digital Citizen

            Clickview Interactive video

TH:  Digital Citizenship Breakout Room 360

        Handout: How Big Is Your Digital Footprint?