Handouts: GUI 8 Teen Pregnancy handouts 2021.pdf
The video listed in this lesson is by ETR. I cannot post it due to copyright, but if you would like to look for it, is is the fifth edition of Making a Difference!, an evidence-based, abstinence approach to teen pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention, published in 2016.
Please note this is a two-part lesson. We do not have the second date yet, but it will be in February. Please call me or email if you have any questions. As always, plans are subject to change.
Materials included in this lesson:
Social Aggression handout - page 1 .pdf
Social Bullying handout page 2.pdf
Odd Girl Out video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/o1gFYzQJPRY
Lesson Plan: GUI 7 Eating Disorders Lesson Plan.pdf
Link to Youtube video: Portrait Of a Bulimic Full Eating Disorder Movie.mp4
Link to Youtube: Cyberbully - The Full Movie - YouTube.lnk
Post-viewing discussion questions include
What are two key messages that you got out of this movie?
What categorizes Taylor’s situation as bullying and not just incidents where students were being mean?
Describe a moment in the movie where someone could have intervened and been an upstander. What would you have done in that situation to be an upstander?
Describe a scene in the movie when someone was rude or just mean.
You can have a zillion “friends” online, but what qualities do you look for in an offline friend?
Worksheet: Exploring TCAT Using CollegeforTN.pdf
Website: collegefortn.org
Source of activities: https://www.oregonstudentaid.gov/media/kypllgvm/nacac-middle-school-curriculum.pdf
pg. 110-113: Step to the Top of Your Class
pg. 103-105: What Are Colleges Looking For?
Worksheet: College Fact Finding Sheet.pdf
Map to Buried Treasure: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1593946/treasure_map.pdf
Website: https://campustours.com/college/221768/the-university-of-tennessee-at-martin
Materials are listed but I cannot provide a link to some of the due to copyright. If you would like to preview those materials, please email me or give me a call.
GUI 8 Lesson Plan: Your Personal Values and Your Future
Materials are listed in the lesson plan, but I cannot provide a link to the printed materials due to copyrights. If you would like to preview those materials, please contact me.
Power Point: What are YOUR Personal Values - no packet.pdf
Secondary Option Flow Chart: PostSecondaryOptionsFlowChart-1.pdf
All 3 videos can be found on You Tube
What’s on a College Campus? Lesson Plan
Link to lesson materials:
Navigating a College Campus handout.pdf
Links to other resources and materials are available on my web page.
Lesson Plans can change at any time due to schedule changes, student needs, or teacher observation. No two classes are ever identical in terms of ability levels, life experiences, personalities or management requirements, and teachers must adjust accordingly.
Resources include the following:
ChildNet International - Crossing the Line Lesson Plan
– What’s the Law?
– Moral Compass Activity
– Video on Youtube: Just Send It
Common Sense Education.org – Sexting and Relationships Quiz
Guidance Systems – Sex Plus Text Equals Trouble Lesson Plan
– How to Say No
– What Would You Say?
NSPCC – Lesson 5: Sharing of Sexual Images
– Higher or Lower Activity
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children – Sextortion: the hidden pandemic
Videos on Vimeo: Module 1 – What Is Sextortion?
Module 2 – The Story of H.M.
Module 3 – The Story of S.M.
www.Cybersmart.gov.au – So You Got Naked Online
Youtube: Oblivious by NightOwl
Due to copyrights, I cannot post some materials. If you’d like to preview them, please contact me. We will be using two videos from Youtube that you can view and a public Kahoot, so if you have an account, you can view it. They are listed on the attached lesson plan.
If you would like to preview the videos or dialogues, please contact me.
The handout is attached: Dating Violence Handout.pdf
Materials are listed on the lesson plan; however, these are not my creations and I cannot post the actual materials because of copyright. Please call if you have any questions.
Instructional materials are listed in the lesson plan. However, they are not my creations and I cannot post them online due to copyright. Please call if you have any questions.